Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Stage is Life

Serene sounds steadily filled a saturated starry night.

Whispers and echoes of those whispers engulf the hallway. The magnitude of it all has the small child floored. Now collapsed on the floor, the room begins to twirl in the boy's eyes. Where is up? Right. Left. Up. Down. It all is inconceivable. Gathering every ounce of strength he has, the boy attempts to stand up with all good intentions. As his shaky legs elongate, balance is lost, and he becomes one with the floor once again. His intentions were good, yet the end result was not what he had hoped for. Panicked on the ground, the boy is left with no choice but to slow his mind. His breathing begins to slow, his mind relaxes, and slowly, but surely the hallway becomes stationary. Cautiously, he once again rises to his feet. His sweaty hands now press into the sheet rock around him. He must use what he can around him to give himself extra strength to continue down the hall. This strength will keep him moving until he is able to regain it himself.
He may not always be strong, but he surrounds himself with strong pillars and is always aware of their location and proximity.

My posts may be few and far between, but you know what that means. Words are always written in one form or another.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Peach Colored Walls

Life is best lived with a mix of caution and risks.

You placed that orange cat inside my car. Full of junk, the cat quickly hid in the backseat. A sunny fall day, those rays warmed my Honda. Windows were rolled down as we raced through those country towns with windows down. Hands out the windows with the radio cranked, we traveled far and wide. Singing to that new Jay-Z song, all our troubles were carried away by the rolling hills.
Parked in a dark lot, our hands, minds, and trust wanders. We search for connections. For something that just feels right in a world where so much feels wrong. Your eyes peer through the dark strands of hair with more meaning than I can put into words.
Back in your bed, your hand rubs the small of my back. I trust your hands; I trust your mind; I trust your soul.
It's at that moment of complete trust it hits me. The cat has been in the car for hours now.

Truth rests within our souls.

Monday, March 15, 2010

i have a feeling

Life is full of firsts. I have a feeling I will lose someone close to me very soon. He is in the hospital and my mind races around it all. I have never lost anyone to actual death yet.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Diced into Little Pieces

Use me. Unfold me and see what is inside this soul.

I'm sitting on my hands. Waiting for time to pass, but also trying to live each and everyday to the fullest. My life is full of hypocrisy.
Words seem old to me.
Thoughts are all Déjà vu.
I'm looking for something new.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Conquered Eyes

I look in your eyes and I can't imagine what it feels like. You are fighting the battle, yet your defeat is inevitable. As time passes, the memories of your life slip away. Your blue eyes are resilient, yet I see the glances of pessimism and sense of hopelessness. It is beyond your control and there is nothing you can do. There is nothing I can do.
I wish the sun could warm your mind. The bright rays could heat you up. Thawing you out from a cold winter slumber. The days of cold oil consistency are now gone; this weather should make your mind and body more fluid, right? I hope, yet I know my prayers will not be answered.

I don't get scared easily, yet knowing your pain leaves me frightened. Those moments where I get scared, I look to the stars. The moon shines down bright on my head, and that is the exact moment I know it will all be ok.
Your blue eyes now; one day my hazel eyes.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Beautiful Nightmare

We sit in the dirty, dark part of this city.
Crime is sprawling around us,
Yet we sit here like angels.
What makes us different?

The man on the phone loves his job. The dangers he faces are outweighed by the good people he helps. He is simple, but has a simple, happy life. I love and appreciate that.

I may be a soul who has good intentions, yet my mind is mysterious even to me.
People read these words. They look into my eyes. They listen to my words. Yet who knows the real me? If you knew the real me, you may be scared.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Never a Dull Moment

we work our fingers to the bone only to die.
we slave over hot stoves to watch it all disappear before our eyes.
what will last in this world?
finding that out is something i yearn.

words are sucked out of blogs and into songs.