Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Future Freaks me Out

Friday, February 11, 2011


What do we fight? Our minds fighting themselves? Me fighting other people?

My mind is mine. I try to change aspects of it, but I cannot control everything. I am who I am.

Why fight humans? We are elbow to elbow with so many other people. There will always be some type of struggle for position among them, but why spend so much time battling? A group effort can help us all.

Nature is something that man has always tried to tame. This is where my battle is. To be close to mother nature, and close to myself.

I am learning and this is what Like.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello February and hello massive rain storm.
Sicily has been truly amazing so far and I feel as though I have learned a great deal. My passion for writing has died here, but I think it just has to do with the lack of mind activity I have here. My body needs more rest and my mind is at ease. Being disconnected for the most part is a very positive thing I think. I enjoy it.
So much to write, so little time.