Thursday, November 1, 2012

Vibrations of our Souls

The fundamental truth about ourselves has been hidden away from us.
That we could spend our lives passionately pursuing something that sets our souls and minds on fire and that doing that very thing might lead us to something extraordinary and possibly even world changing…  That we could do and say whatever makes us feel good and alive no matter how different it is from what other people are doing or what other people think we should be doing…
These truths have been quietly sneaked away from us and swept neatly into a forgotten corner… and if you try to look over there they’ll tell you its dangerous.  And if you decide to go look anyway they’ll tell everyone else that you’re dangerous.  And if you just don’t give a fuck what they say about you.. well then you might actually change the world.
Be strange.  Be weird.  Be a freak.  Be anything you want.  Be brave.  Be unafraid.  Be ready to be scoffed at and be ready for others to find you unacceptable.  You don’t need to be accepted by anyone except yourself inside your deepest and truest heart.  Its tough for people to accept that someone could be so very free while they’re busy conforming.  It threatens every choice they’ve ever made if they allow the realization in that they too could have been free.. that they could be free now instead of trapped where they are.
Its our choice.  Each and every one of us is free to be free.  The one who changes the world.. the one there will be books about.. the one who will do something brand new and become a hero is the person who does not conform.   The one who breaks free and lets their most unique flag fly high.  That person is YOU.
Today is yours.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Karmal Sundae

Reflections of a life; accomplishments, regrets, and future frets.

Elliott Smith always makes me want to write more.

Time passes like the faces on a train. Things that were once so important in life, now have faded to distant memories that I can only remember when I am triggered by photographs and symbolic objects, words, or the occasional deja-vu.
The scars, freckles, and tattoos remind me of past times. . .some incredibly amazing and others so miserable. My finger tips run over them, reading them like Helen Keller read braille as I take a trip through my temporal lobe. The roller coaster is long, yet many exciting turns and sudden drops remain.  With all that said, I can be nothing but thankful and encouraged by the progress I have seen and the future I hold.  I may spend my years chasing worthless dreams, bad habits, and meaningless actions, but to me that is life.  To sit in this glued together wooden chair tonight, I realize how many descendents of mine have struggled to put me in this position. I wish there was a way to accumulate it all me be some blossom of all their growth, but I struggle to come up with anything worth while.  I will continue to paint, write silly songs on guitar and dance until my flat feet burn on the dance-floor, but this isn't a blossom.  It is just one more link in the long chain of life.  Like my father, and his father before him, I will pass along to my descendents my best advise and hope they succeed in becoming the blossom of a family tree I have not become. Pitseleh. I am excited to see the years that lay before me and I am so thankful for the cheap garage--sale bought chair I sit in tonight.
My decisions have not been flawless, my objectives not always the most pure and my ability to help those around me not always exhausted, but I realize that and as long as I move towards my goals, I will sleep with heavy eyes of contentness.

The desire to grow to be a better person is all I need as motivation tonight.

Ghost, ghost I know you live within me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

that song

You associate with everything you hear
The sound, the way it made you feel that somber year
That song it redefined the seasons
And now it's all we have to hang our keys on.
That song.

You clean your memories, the ones you don't want
You'll never get over the sound of the song
when you're all alone.
You ride along, the song comes on the radio
You never get over the sound of the song when you're all alone.

You played it loud so everyone could hear.
I whispered what I thought the words were in your ear
That song was written for a reason.
And now it's all we have to hang our keys on.
That song.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Swells and Magic Spells

Spring is Near, grab a beer.

A February 2012 Media List:

Foo Fighters - Back and Forth
The Hiatus - Souls
Punch Brothers - This Girl
Amy Winehouse - Wake Up Alone
Tokyo Police Club - Favourite Colour
The Roots - The Other Side
Jay Z and Kanye West -Why I Love You
Fun. - We Are Young
Jack White - Love Interruption
Atmosphere - Abusing of the Rib

Best Song of All-Time Award
B4-4 - Get Down

Noam Pikelny - Beat the Devil and Carry a Rail
Punch Brothers - Who's Feeling Young Now

Fuck you squares, The circle got smaller
The castle got bigger, The walls got taller
And truth be told after all that said
Niggas still got love for you

Friday, January 6, 2012

feel it in my bones

my first nephew; baby lalito. excited i am

Words and time, they spin inside.

Racing and swirling, they blur the lines