Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Last Ride

The Infamous Joshua and Laura adventures in Kirksville Missouri have come to an end. In glorious fashion, we left our final mark on the city and closed the door on a chapter of our lives. Jesus signs, boxes full of trash being transported on the top of the tank, and of course laughing at people over Mexican food..... ahh the life we have led for over a year now.

Much like Wyatt and Doc, we are friends til the end. So cheers to you Kirksville; thanks for playing host to our fun. I will return, but things won't quite be the same.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Watching the sun set, our national anthem is blaring over the hills. The troops march on and the beat of the drum is growing stronger. Can you imagine? Could you even imagine? This the battle. We are complex lives with small-town morals and big city dreams.
This May travel far far away to a place that you have never been. Dream outragous thoughts. Feel alive.