Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Running the Show

A thought makes the wind blow the leaves. They shake a dance and wave goodbye to the summer and countless sunny hours.

Soon they grow tired of their dance and slowly, one by one fade away. With no leaves left, the tree, now naked, stands for the whole world to see.

Every flaw is exposed.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beware of the Small Town Girl

Dear You,

This is my warning to you. Stay clear. At all costs, avoid her like the plague my friend; she is no good. Not one bit.

Most people ask questions because they are curious of the answers, but not her. Don't be fooled. Her priority list starts and ends with one word and that word is her name. She'll call you up to ask how you are, but she really just wants you to know how she is.

In a small town, she would have a reputation in town, but in a large city she can drift in and out with a low profile. So many new people to hear her empty words. Her desire for attention will grow old and wear thin on your patience. She walks in circles, going no where. Why? Because she does what satisfies the short term feelings of her ADHD mind. If I had to give two words of advice, they would be to stay away.

She will talk to you, call you, and even come hang around, but only when someone can do something for her. Don't get me wrong, she cares about other people but her selfishness gets in the way of that. A friend to her is someone who can help her in the moment. Stay away.

If you are shiny enough you may spark her interest for a day/week/month, but when the weather dulls your shininess, the girl will drift. You will be left to lick your wounds.

Don't think for a second that you can change her. Just wait and see, because one day your phone will stop ringing.

I say this not out of anger, spite, or any other negative feelings. This is just my warning to you dear friend. She is in it for herself and one day, sooner than later, she will drift to the next shiny boy. My advice? Stay away.