Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dance and sing, for the hearts will smile upon you.

Renaissance Man

On top of the world with ideas and plans
sunroof down
arm out the window
singing along
to level 30
basking in the sunshine
there isn't a better way to live

music, locally grown food, live music, sing-a-longs, sunshine, and ambitions.

My quickie version:

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Oh, Charlie,

Living in the Delmar Loop: I have finally turned into a tight pants wearing hipster who wants to play guitar and harmonica after discussing the meaning of life with wise old men.

I'd like to think you are doing something better like painting a picture of an old man playing chess with his grandson or dancing at the local swing scene. All in all, I find it weird that the thing I want most is also my greatest fear. . . . gives me too much time to think and what I think drives me crazy.

When the aliens land, who will speak to them? Will they come and we will not understand a word they say?

Frustration growing?
They tell us everything they know,
but we cannot understand.
They are different.
Our minds are small
to new ideas.
This is
our death.

Tonight I leave you with the image of Paris.