Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Truth

There is fire in my palms and cool water between my ears.
Don't you realize my tongue can cause whip lash?
And you, you dream of understanding a word I say.
Open your mind, soul, and heart up. Cause shit is about to roll down hill.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Apple Trees

Top down, rolling fast through the streets of STL. The city glows as we approach. The thick Saint Louis summer air is hard to hold down on a warm summer night.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Catching my Breath

We stare at broken clocks, lost ticks locked inside the interior, screaming to get out. It was 8:45 always and I wondered what warranted that strange occurrence, whether it was something greater than a slowing of gears or the forgetfulness of the technician. I wondered if the clock was like a heart, pulsing away with the stacked lines of a ribcage; always strong and steady, but eventually gave up trying to mimic Time, just like a heart would give up myself. Now it’s always 8:45 and not a second too late.